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Supporting Scale-Up SMEs

Outputs included filmed case studies, an evening event and a supporting resource pack. The case studies were promoted to our members and across IET social media platforms as standout examples of growing engineering and technology companies.


Innovation, productivity growth and scaling up are key in enabling businesses to generate competitive advantage, growth and prosperity. SME respondents to IET research highlighted their need to develop business capabilities, to complement their existing technical competence.

The pilot programme followed on from the IET’s previous work on developing engineering and technology SMEs. This included a 2018 report on ‘Bridging the innovation gaps’, which identified three challenges that are creating barriers to SME growth, along with some potential solutions for success.


General, topic and location-specific resources for SMEs.


Baxall Construction – Overcoming the challenges and scaling up successfully

Destra Engineering - Stepping out of your comfort zone and scaling up